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MQTT data transfer becomes more suitable for industry: ibaPDA supports Sparkplug B

Northbound connectivity of ibaPDA extended by MQTT Sparkplug B

With the support of MQTT Sparkplug B in ibaPDA, users can now send all acquired process and sensor data in Sparkplug B formatted data to an MQTT broker starting with version 8.3. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a message protocol that uses a publisher / subscriber architecture and is managed by a central broker. Data sources publish their data via a publish command to a data broker, subscribers retrieve the data independently. This saves network bandwidth and reduces the resource requirements of the participating devices. However, standardization of the data exchange in MQTT has not been possible until now. This goal is pursued by the Sparkplug B extension: this ensures that developers have clear guidelines for the design of the topic namespace, how the payload data is to be structured and how the client status is to be held and communicated. In addition, since with MQTT and Sparkplug B, data transmission only occurs when data changes, message sizes and transmission frequency are minimized. This results in a better and, above all, more robust connection between the participants, which improves the industrial suitability of the communication with the measurement data acquisition system ibaPDA.

Measuring value acquisition - ibaPDA

As the central core of the iba system, ibaPDA has proven itself as one of the most versatile data acquisition systems for maintenance and production for many years. Among the many powerful features of ibaPDA are asset-agnostic acquisition, high-speed synchronous archiving, and real-time streaming analytics.

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